Cube petit
"Cube petit" is an autonomous robot that can be integrated into people's lives. It is being developed as a low-cost, compact robot kit to be used worldwide.
The hardware combines off-the-shelf products, allowing the installation of preferred sensors and motors.
The software is compatible with the open-source "ROS" and can be customized for research applications.
Simulation with SLAM (mapping and self-positioning), autonomous movement, and automatic charging is currently available on GitHub.
Component Composition

Basic function: SLAM & Navigation
Cube petit uses 2D LiDAR to estimate its position and create a map. It also uses a Depth Camera to move and patrol to a specified position while avoiding people and obstacles. ROS package (gmapping, navigation).



Simulator Environment and Map Creation
Specifications (Ver2.0 ClearBlue)
PC : Intel NUC (BLKNUC7I7DNHE / Intel Corei7-8650U)
Sensor : 2DLiDAR (PACECAT LDS-50C), barometer + 9-axis IMU (Witmotion WT901B)
Camera : RGB/Depth camera (Intel RealSense SR305), infrared camera (ELP USBFHD01M-KRL156)
Dimensions : width 220 x height 275 x depth 220 [mm]
Mass : 7.5 [kg]
Battery : LifePo4 / 4 cells / 12 [V] 3 hours operation with 3 hours charge
Movement speed : 0.5 [m/s]
Other modules : MPPT, DCDC converter, Wifi router
*RaspberryPy4+2D LiDAR (Ver1.0 Ivory) is also available.
Applied function: Automatic charging
Detects when the battery is low and moves to the charging dock
Automatically recharges while watching AR markers
Uses ROS package (ar_track_alvar)

Simulator environment

Automatic charging
Applied function: Conversation
Offline Japanese and English speech synthesis and recognition
Uses OpenJTalk for Japanese speech synthesis and Julius for recognition, enabling speech with various speeds and emotions