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"Koganei City Minami Elementary School" visited our company for a tour(2021)

Updated: 5 days ago

"Koganei City Minami Elementary School" visited our company for a tour(2021)

On November 17, 2021, students from Koganei City Minami Elementary School visited our Chief Scientist Office.

One of the students is a student at "STELABO," a robot programming school operated by SoftBank C&S , who wanted to learn about SoftBank's research on autonomous robots to participate in a robot programming competition with the theme of "transportation of the future."

This tour was made possible by request from the students who wanted to observe Softbank's research on autonomous robots.

Elementary school students, parents, and the PTA president attended on the tour day.

The tour consisted of presentations by each engineer on elevator coordination, arm picking, and autonomous driving mapping, followed by a question-and-answer session.

Everyone listened intently and asked questions enthusiastically.

Afterward, parents reported that their children were delighted to receive the Rising All-Star Award (presentation award) and the coding award at the competition they attended, which was also reported at the school's morning assembly.

"Koganei City Minami Elementary School" visited our company for a tour(2021)

"Koganei City Minami Elementary School" visited our company for a tour(2021)

The Chief Scientist office will continue to accept such tours to deepen understanding of robotics through such initiatives.

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